i love my part time job, i really do, but i hadn't planned on taking it. it sort of fell into my lap. i'm glad i took it because it gives me the chance to get out of the house and be someone other than 'mom,' which we ALL know i very desperately need, but it also gets in the way of, well, stuff. yesterday i worked. i worked from 8-530. i got emma off to school, took madelyn to the sitters and went to work. i love working at the bank. i see people i normally wouldn't see and i get to do busywork, which i love (call me weird, i love to do meaningless stuff) BUT, it just totally ruins my 'schedule' at home. i have this issue with things being in order. we're all on a schedule for day to day stuffs and my kids thrive on this...as do i. for example, madelyn knows that as soon as she's done with her lunch, she takes a nap. she doesn't ever question it. they know that when they get out of the shower at night, we get dried off, get our jammies on, read a book, kiss Daddy, and head to bed. i have the same routine every night after they do go to bed. i sit with Darik, catch up on the day, then i sit down with my laptop, watch tv while i do whatever it is i have to do online, and eat my nightly snack. it's usually the same snack, but i won't elaborate on that, i'm making myself look more and more nuts by the second here. ANYWAY, my point is (yes, i do have one), the only working one day a week thing puts a crimp in my nice, little schedule and i usually spend the next day recovering from the work hangover. i feel like i'm behind on all things housework and all things online. which is SO not true, but, alas...the way my crazy mind works. i almost think working full time and getting into a routine with that incorporated into it would be better, but i just can't justify leaving madelyn at a sitters all day when a)i love to be home with her and spend the alone time with her and b) i don't NEED to work full time. once she's in school, i *may* work full time, but, i think after 6 years of raising kids i'll enjoy the time to myself. i may be wrong, but that's my thought.
i was rather productive this AM and i'm damn proud of myself. I got 2 loads of laundry done. took a bath. did the dishes. got emma off to school (which is a feat all in itself), got my challenges for BOTCT written up (GO ME!) ANNND now i'm going to sit down to work with some new releases for this weekend at SSD. if i get nothing else done today, at least i can say the morning was productive!
tonight when emma gets home from school we're going to meet laura and her kidlets at the children's museum. emma is VERY concerned because we haven't seen them in awhile, but she's super excited. in fact, she came racing down the stairs this morning saying, 'ok mom! lets go see laura now!'
i've got therapy at noon today and i think i'm just going to spend madelyn's nap time doing stuff for myself. mads has been absolutely bouncing off the walls this morning and i need a second away from the insanity!
OHOOHOH before i go...it's kristin's birthday this weekend and there are some AWESOME challenges going on at SSD in celebration. k was going to make a little freebie today but has been having some computer issues so we decided to come up with another fab challenge for peeps to win a gc to her store. k is a bit Glee obsessed. It's no secret. so we're having a 'mash up challenge' over at SSD...and i am in love with my layout for it!
i used my wish for him and sugar and spice. two kits i NEVER would have thought to use together, but i love the results!
and with that, i'm out. i'm gonna spend some time with the monkey and then we're off to therapy!
until next time...
awww... I totally understand needing routine, as adults we need it too. Hope you come up with a solution that works for you. LOVE the layout you did for the mash up challenge! Have a great time with Laura (I'm jealous, lol)
I'm considering getting an outside of the house job in 2011 so this is a really interesting read for me. (((hugs))) mama.
I love your OCD schedule and I can totally relate! If it wasn't for my hubby I'd never be spontaneous at all!
That's why I'm nervous about trying to get a "real" (as the hubby puts it) job. And your LO is totally gorgeous. I always love your pages.
Have a great day out. Your page is beautiful!
My wish is to get a schedule...we have absolutely nothing. It makes me crazy!
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